Project 2 - Serial Activity

A serial installer in python , which may used to install packages in all systems in college labs or it could do some evil things .

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During our college times, we had a crash course on Machine Learning. Our coordinators has arranged an ML Engineer to take class for 3 days. During those time, we didn't actually got what he explained apart from linear regression (y = mx + c) 🤣

But he seeded the interest in our minds on Machine learning; like a butterfly effect now i am more interested in ML than Software Development.

During those days (in our labs), he insisted to install packages to have hands-on experience. But unfortunately many of our people were not sure about the installations of the packages. So we need to find a solution to install all necessary packages in all machines.

We had a scenario like, all the machines had one specific same user account with same password for all the machines. So we were like; if we are able to automate it in one machine then it would be easy for rest of the machines ( Just a for-loop iterating the x.0.0.1 to x.0.0.255 ). This is the birthplace of this tool.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os.path
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

import paramiko

BASE_ADDRESS = "192.168.7."
PASSWORD = "uni1"

def create_client(hostname):
    """Create a SSH connection to a given hostname."""
    ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh_client.connect(hostname=hostname, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
    return ssh_client

def kill_computer(ssh_client):
    """Power off a computer."""

def install_python_modules(ssh_client):
    """Install the programs specified in requirements.txt"""
    ftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp()

    # Move over
    local_getpip = os.path.expanduser("~/lab_freak/")
    remote_getpip = "/home/%s/Documents/" % USERNAME
    ftp_client.put(local_getpip, remote_getpip)

    # Move over requirements.txt
    local_requirements = os.path.expanduser("~/lab_freak/requirements.txt")
    remote_requirements = "/home/%s/Documents/requirements.txt" % USERNAME
    ftp_client.put(local_requirements, remote_requirements)


    # Install pip and the desired modules.
    ssh_client.exec_command("python %s --user" % remote_getpip)
    ssh_client.exec_command("python -m pip install --user -r %s" % remote_requirements)

def worker(action, hostname):
        ssh_client = create_client(hostname)

        if action == "kill":
        elif action == "install":
            raise ValueError("Unknown action %r" % action)
    except BaseException as e:
        print("Running the payload on %r failed with %r" % (hostname, action))

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("USAGE: python ACTION")

    hostnames = [str(BASE_ADDRESS) + str(i) for i in range(30, 60)]

    with ThreadPool() as pool: hostname: worker(sys.argv[1], hostname), hostnames)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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