While solving problems on LeetCode, most of you must have realized that LeetCode doesn't provide an option to sort the questions by likes or likes-dislikes ratio apart from the first 100 most liked questions. While searching in the discussion section, You will see that a lot of people have asked for similar stuff and somebody made a most liked questions list as well but it is rarely updated if at all.
So, I looked into it and found an amazing Google sheet in which a prewritten script fetches all the questions and provides us with a google sheet that can be sorted by various metrics such as likes, acceptance rate, etc.
- Google sheet: adityarajput.com/leetcode
- Github : github.com/adixmr/leetcode
Credits: Aditya Rajput (linkedin.com/in/ACoAABcoHQwBvU32gNaqr4QowZS..)
Linkedin Post - linkedin.com/posts/sahebcse_leetcode-datast..