Project 1 - Predicting Salary with Simple Linear Regression

Project 1 - Predicting Salary with Simple Linear Regression

Implementing linear regression algorithm on salary data.


  1. Linear Regression from Scratch with Gradient Descent Click Here
  2. Project Folder Structure Click Here
  1. Blog Link - Linear Regression
  2. Notebook Link - Colab Notebook
  3. Dataset Link - Data Source
  4. Github Repo - Repo Link


In this article we will be implementing what we learned in Linear Regression from Scratch with Gradient Descent. We will be creating a simple Flask API and Angular frontend with Plotly to Visualize the usage. The final screen will look like below,



In this project we will be using salary_data with two columns, Experience and Salary.

Source :


After plotting the dataset will look like,


From the above plot, we are sure that all assumptions discussed in linear regression is satisfied.


Applied the data visualization, outlier detection and created a model in this colab notebook.


Flask API

Created a simple flask api with endpoints. one to give the entire dataset and the other to predict the salary for the given experience.

from crypt import methods
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import pandas as pd

# Model Loader
import statsmodels.api as sm

DATA_FILE = '../data/Salary_Data.csv'
MODEL_FILE = '../model/linear_regression.pickle'

app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app)
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'

@app.route('/datasets', methods=['GET'])
def get_dataset():
    df = pd.read_csv(DATA_FILE)
    x = df['YearsExperience'].tolist()
    y = df['Salary'].tolist()
    return jsonify({'x':x, 'y':y})

@app.route('/get-predicted-value', methods=['POST'])
def get_predicted_value():
    model = sm.load(MODEL_FILE)
    _intercept, _slope = model.params
    print(request.json, request.args, request.form, request.values,
    salary = (request.json['value']*_slope) + _intercept
    return jsonify({
        'y': salary

if __name__ == '__main__':

Angular Component

Simple angular component to show plotly graph with a small form to trigger the prediction api.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { RestApiService } from 'src/services/api.service';

  selector: 'app-lr',
  templateUrl: './lr.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./lr.component.css']
export class LrComponent implements OnInit {
  x_val_line: any = [];
  y_val_line: any = [];

  x_scatter: any = [];
  y_scatter: any = [];

  experience :any;

  public graph: any = {
    data: [
        { x: this.x_scatter, y: this.y_scatter, type: 'scatter',  marker: {color: 'red'} },
        { x: this.x_val_line, y: this.y_val_line, type: 'line' },
    layout: {width: 800, height: 400, title: 'A Fancy Plot'}

  constructor(public restApi: RestApiService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
      next: data => {
          this.x_val_line = data.x;
          this.y_val_line = data.y;
          console.log("Data ", data);
          this.graph = {
            data: [
                { x: this.x_scatter, y: this.y_scatter, type: 'scatter',  marker: {color: 'red'} },
                { x: this.x_val_line, y: this.y_val_line, type: 'line' },
            layout: {width: 800, height: 400, title: 'Experince vs Salary'}
      error: error => {

          console.error('There was an error!', error);

      next: data =>{
        this.x_scatter = [this.experience];
        this.y_scatter = [data.y];
        this.graph = {
          data: [
              { x: this.x_scatter, y: this.y_scatter, type: 'scatter',  marker: {color: 'red'} },
              { x: this.x_val_line, y: this.y_val_line, type: 'line' },
          layout: {width: 800, height: 400, title: 'Experince vs Salary'}

      error: error => {

        console.error('There was an error!', error);





Step 1: Create an environment,

python -m venv <environment_name>

Step 2: Install the packages

source <environment_name>/bin/activate
pip install -r api/requirements.txt

Step 3: Run the Flask API

cd api

For Angular

Step 1: Move to frontend/linear-regression folder

cd frontend/linear-regression

Step 2: Install the node modules,

npm install

Step 3: Run the project,

ng serve


Repository Link :

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